A safe, inclusive environment for weirdos.
Under Construction
Welcome to our retro-styled home on the web! is a secure Matrix chat network
that prioritizes the safety and comfort of queer, trans, and POC communities, along with anyone who enjoys furry (including skunk!) themes.
We strive to keep our environment relaxed and friendly, with minimal restrictions beyond what’s necessary to protect
marginalized folks. Please see our rules below:
Usage & Rules
Using this Matrix homeserver is a privilege, and the operators reserve the right to terminate your account
for breaking any of the rules or policies below. Our biggest priority is the safety and comfort of queer and
neurodivergent folks, so rules will be aggressively applied to protect minority groups over majority groups.
1. Acceptable Use
No hateful or bigoted content. Users may not post content that is hateful, racist, ableist, sexist,
transmisic, or otherwise discriminatory. This includes (but isn’t limited to) nazism, slurs, hateful religious content, shock imagery, etc.
No computer hacking or system exploitation. This includes denial of service attacks, unauthorized penetration testing,
or using the homeserver as a source of hacking attempts.
No promotion of extremist ideologies. Using the server to host or distribute extremist politics or content is forbidden,
as it poses a threat to user safety and server stability.
2. Security & Privacy
We take precautions to ensure user safety. In the event of a security incident, we’ll follow standard incident response procedures
and inform affected users.
This server only accepts secure TLS 1.3 connections using certificates from Let’s Encrypt or ZeroSSL.
We do not use Cloudflare or similar TLS decryption services.
Account deactivation is available, but full data removal can’t be guaranteed due to the nature of the Matrix protocol.
3. Indemnification
By using this homeserver, you agree that you cannot hold or its administrators liable for any damages, losses, or claims.
We do not provide any SLA; downtime can happen, and we accept no responsibility for losses incurred as a result.
This document may be modified at any time without prior notice.